Why Skills Providers Need to Act on Carbon Footprint Reduction

Liverpool City Region has been making strides in recent years to reduce its carbon footprint. From public transport initiatives to renewable energy schemes, the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has laid out its commitment to creating a more sustainable future.

Training providers need to take action on carbon reduction too, and quickly. As well as contributing to making the skills sector sustainable, there are other critical reasons for moving fast to implement carbon reduction strategies.

Requisites for bidding for public funding

One important reason for training providers to focus on carbon reduction is the need to meet the criteria required to bid for public funding. In many cases, providers without a documented organisational sustainability strategy are excluded from bidding. This will become commonplace across all tendering rounds in the near future.

Include sustainability education in apprenticeship curriculums

Sustainability is fast becoming incorporated into the curriculum for every apprenticeship standard and other public sector-funded training courses. Providers need to ensure that they practice what they teach! In other words, staff need to be trained in sustainability and the organisation must be following sustainable practices in order to be credible in the eyes of learners and employers.

Employer expectations

Another incentive for training providers to develop carbon reduction strategies is that many industries and employers will be seeking to work with suppliers who operate sustainably. This is because partnering with suppliers operating sustainably reduces an organisation’s emissions scores.

These are just three important reasons for implementing sustainability strategies in your workplace. There are many more social, environment and business reasons for doing so.